Shayana Shop

Shayana Files

  • Why do witches ride on broomsticks
    Ask anyone to draw a picture of a witch, and the result will probably look like a not so pretty woman with a hat riding through the air on a broomstick. But why this strange form of transportation. ... More
  • Santa and Shayana have more in common than you think
    Not only are Santa and Shayana good friends. They also have the same job: Shaman !Shayana fans who know a thing or two about their most beloved mushroom queen will also know that she was ... More
  • Shayana File 1 the Frog Prince
    This first Shayana File deals with the fairytale we all know as ‘the Frog Prince’, a story by the Brothers Grimm (Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich).

    Part of Shayana’s training as ... More

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