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Lophophora Jourdaniana, 6-8 Cm Cluster (Peyote)

Lophophora jourdaniana is closely related to Lophophora wiliamsii, another hallucinogenic cactus that is better known as the Peyote. The Peyote grows in Mexico and in the southern regions of the USA. It contains the same amount of mescaline as the normal Peyote. Mescaline is the substance that is responsible for the psychedelic effects of the cactus.


Around 15-30 minutes after ingestion, depending on the dosage and individual tolerance, mescaline can cause nausea and vomiting. After about 60 to 90 minutes these effects dissipate and give way to a beautiful, colorful trip. The peak of the trip is reached around 2 hours after ingestion.

The mescaline effect is more closely related to the effects of LSD than those of magic mushrooms. It is nearly as potent as LSD, but has a more emotional component and often leads to euphoria. The fear factor often described by users of LSD is less present in mescaline. Nevertheless, bad trips can still occur, so users must ensure they are in a healthy and strong physical condition.

The peak lasts for 3-6 hours, again strongly depending on dosage, tolerance and individual response. The overall experience, including afterglow, can last for a total of 8-16 hours.

One of the biggest differences between mescaline and other psychedelic substances is that you can still fall asleep on it.


These Lophophora jourdaniana clusters are ready to use, but you can also continue to grow them. The cacti should only be taken on an empty stomach. Otherwise, they could enhance the feelings of nausea and reduce the intake of mescaline.

Native tribes used to chew the cactus, but it must be said the peyote has a very bitter and soapy taste. Often this only worsens the nauseous feeling experienced by many westerners who try out this traditional method.

A more pleasant way is to make a tea out of it, as you can do with San Pedro (trichocereus pachanoi) or Peruvian Torch (trichocereus peruvianus): cut the peyote into small pieces and put them into a large pot with boiling water. Add the juice of 2-3 lemons in order to enhance mescaline absorption into the water. Let the pieces boil for 3 to 4 hours. When this is done, you can discard the used cacti and drink the tea.

There are several ways to drink it. Some find it easier to drink it all at once, because later on, when the first effects of nausea set in, they can no longer bring themselves to drink the remaining amount of tea. Some like to spread the dosage over a period of 30-60 minutes, still others divide it into two parts, with the second half taken at once half an hour after the first. By spreading sips over a period of time you lower the risk of experiencing nausea, though when you do feel nauseous, you also risk it will last longer.


Avoid cacti and succulent soil. It is better to mix potting soil, coarse sand and clay in equal parts. The peyote has a taproot, therefore use a deep pot instead of a common flower pot.
Do not place small and young plants in direct sunlight, but use indirect sunlight instead. The cacti can resist high to very low temperatures, though these changes in temperature will influence the plant's growth pattern. In winter, it requires no water at all, except when you live in a region where temperatures never drop very low.
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